Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Animation Update

Animation on Open Season 2 is winding down and coming to an end.

Last Friday I finished my last shot and there are a couple of animators wrapping up their final shots. The project was unlike any other project I've been on and I'm very happy and fortunate to be part of this one of a kind team at Reel FX. Hats off to everyone who worked on this for dishing out such nice work, it was really a joy to be a part of.
So this week I've started my first couple of shots on the DVD short film for Kung Fu Panda. I enjoyed the movie A LOT and I'm extremely psyched to be animating on this. Hope you watch and enjoy when it comes out with the DVD.


Benjamin De Schrijver said...

The 2D shortfilm?

Catherine Satrun said...

Congratulations!!!!! ^.^

Sarah Satrun said...

Glad to hear you're having a great time there. I can't wait to see it!

Dan Segarra said...

Yessir Benjamin! Although I'm animating on the CG part of it.

Hey girls, thanks for stopping by. :) I can't wait to see it too... all rendered and composited and stuff. So far it's looking pretty sweet. There were some talented animators working on OS2.