On the Animation Mentor alumni forums someone recently started a thread dedicated to posing. This week's theme was PULL. AM had provided us with many great characters that we could mess around with so I chose this big guy. This was a ton of fun, try it yourself. Just don't forget to thumbnail!
Did you touch this up in Photoshop? That's a really swell render.
I think it looks pretty nice. You might be able to push the "C" curve of the back even further. And try to lead with the shaded part of the pectorals and the area just beneath it.
great pose and a nice sense of weight!
Thanks Robert! ;) I'm liking your recent "Painter" posts on your blog. Good stuff man.
Jeff, thanks for the feedback. I applied the comments you made and I feel it added even more tension to the pose.
About the render, Calabash has been showing me some basics about lighting and stuff and I was playing around with things on 'muscles' here. Thanks again Dub! ;)
Thanks for your comment. I love checking out your 3d animation its very inspiring to see especially since it still keeps all the traditional principles
Speaking of Calabash, do you have any new tidbits to show from them? I'm still a BIG fan of that last work you showed me. Gimme me more, D!
neat pose!
sweet pose! you can totally feel the straining going on here.
Thanks guys. ;)
Jeff, I'll post the animation I've done at C-Bash as soon as we're done with the spot. Thanks for the nice words man. ;)
i am excited to see that there is life on the other side of the AM graduation ;-)
I am looking forward to meeting you on the graduate forum. 6 month to go!
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